Year Inducted: 1988
Born: 1899
Died: 1975
J.O. (Joe) Cotant began trapshooting in 1929 and from 1930 to 1960 was on of the most outstanding shooters Idaho has ever known. He dominated state shoots for years, often winning multiple titles at Pacific International Trapshooting Association (PITA), and Armature Trapshooting Association (ATA) stated shoots. He won 11 ATA titles and at least 14 PITA state crowns.
J.O. (Joe) Cotant shot all over the nation and wherever he shot he was one of the best. He attended the Grand Pacific and Grand American shoots many times and shot them well. In the late 1930’s Joe broke 117×120 in doubles at teh Grand Pacific, which was a record at that time.
J.O. (Joe) Cotant was instrumental in the formation, growth, and development of the Pocatello Trap Club, one of the oldest gun clubs in Idaho. Joe was president of the club from its start in 1929 until his death – a 46 year term.
J.O. (Joe) Cotant also wored hard for trapshooting at the state and national leveles. He was a state delegate an national Vice President with the ATA and was involved with the PITA to such a degree that he was the first person to ever be re-elected for a second term as the president of the PTIA (1940-1941). He was an original member of the Shoshone Indians and the second man to be elected High Chief. Joe was named to the ATA All-American team in 1953 and 1954 and registerd over 104,000 ATA singles targets. He also the first Idaho shooter to registered over 50,000 combined PITA targets in 1946.
Life Time Target Report:
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