Born: 1942 Died: 2013 Year Inducted: 2008 Charlie Woodruff shooting career began in 1965 on the Three Rivers trap team in Central New York State, where he began shooting registered targets in 1969. While shooting in New York he mad the All Star Second Team once...
Year Inducted: 2004Stuart Welton shot his first registered targets in 1974. He stopped in 1983 when he went to Guam. He married in 1985, and began shooting again. He was introduced by his father Dwayne and both Stuart and his brother, Tony, got their start working at...
Year Born: 1936 Year Died: Year Inducted: 2002 Abe was born in 1936 in Nampa, Idaho. His father died in 1947 and his mother is 94 years old. He has three brothers and one sister. After a long career in the Idaho Air National Guard, Abe retired and has been maintenance...
Year Born: 1925 Year Died: 2008 Year Inducted: 1998 Al Wing was born in 1925 in Caldwell, Idaho and has lived there since. He married Bethel in 1950 and thy raised two daughters. Al worked for the Police Department from 1967 until his retirement 28 years later in...
Year Born: 1960 Year Died: Year Inducted: 2009 Darin Williams began shooting registered targets in 1972 and attended his first state shoot at Sun Valley Gun Club. His wins are too numerous to list in this space but included some very impressive titles. In 1979 he was...